
标题: 2022-09-06 英国工党党首斯塔默就保守党新首相发表讲话 [打印本页]

作者: Interpreter    时间: 2022-10-25 09:27
标题: 2022-09-06 英国工党党首斯塔默就保守党新首相发表讲话

This week, we get our fourth Tory prime minister in 12 years. But so many people are asking, what have we got to show for those 12 years?


Across Britain, today, people can’t pay their bills. They’re worried about doing even the weekly shop or filling up their car with fuel.


There’s a general sense that nothing is really working anymore. And neither of the candidates to be prime minister had any answer to those issues. They argued that the British people are not working hard enough. How insulting is that? Their arguments all summer have been alien, so out of touch with what so many people have been going through


In the Labour Party, we know whose side we’re on. And if I were going into Downing Street this week, I’d have clear common-sense priorities. We have to fix the immediate crisis. We have to put in place Labour’s energy price freeze and pay for it with a windfall tax on oil and gas companies. But we also have to address the wider issues.


When I hear stories about people waiting hours for an ambulance or unable to get into hospital, that makes me so angry that the government has allowed the NHS to get into such a state of disrepair. We have to address that. We have to fix that. We’ve got to do it urgently.


But also, when I hear stories of victims of crimes, rape, serious sexual abuse having to wait years for justice, and I know, as a former Director of Public Prosecution, the impact that will have on those individuals and on those families.


Labour would never let that happen. We will have police community hubs. We will have a preventative approach. We will always put the victim at the center of our criminal justice system.


So, I congratulate the new prime minister on taking up office. But the change we need in Britain is not a change at the top of the Tory Party; not more of the same tired, old policies that got us into the mess in the first place. Only Labour can offer Britain the fresh start that we all deserve.

作者: Alicekingjs    时间: 2022-10-27 18:31
作者: 彭晓曼    时间: 2023-8-10 09:46

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