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[片段] Remarks at the Tourism Promotion Conference 旅游招商会讲话

发表于 2020-1-10 00:18:08 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


Remarks at the Tourism Promotion Conference of Guangdong International Tourism and Culture Festival


Mr Tang Bingquan, Executive Vice Governor of the Guangdong Province,
Distinguished guests, Ladies and gentlemen,


I would like to begin by expressing, on behalf of the World Tourism Organization, our congratulations to the grand inauguration of the festival and promotion conference. It is also a great pleasure for me to take the privilege of participating in the Guangdong International Tourism and Culture Festival, and in particular in today's Tourism Promotion Conference.


This event is a proof of the dynamism and importance of China, and Guangdong in particular in today's world tourism.


Asia and Pacific represents today 20% of all international arrivals, and most important and significant part of this share is due to Chinese destinations. China represents more than a quarter of all the 153 million international tourist arrivals in Asia and it represents 21% of the 125 million US dollars generated in international tourism receipts in this region.


Due to its excellent performance, China is already the 4th most visited destination in the world, with a volume of almost 42 million international tourist arrivals. after having surpassed Italy for the first time. China is also the 7th most important country in terms of tourism earnings. It represents a volume of 26 billion US dollars.


At the same time, new destinations are becoming more and more competitive. As for Asia, improved economic conditions will continue to boost tourism demand and investment. Many significant factors such as transport capacity and access regulations and infrastructures are being significantly improved in this region. China in general and Guangdong Province in particular, are very good examples in this respect. China accounts already today for the highest percentage of air seats available in the Asia Pacific region, and it is still a growing market with huge potential. I am sure that this forum will contribute to further develop the tourism industry in China and in Guangdong in particular.


I would like to finalize by wishing the forum a complete success. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen!


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