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[片段] 英国伦敦春节庆祝活动致辞

发表于 2020-1-12 00:50:55 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式



Remarks at the Chinese New Year Celebrations in London


Ladies and Gentlemen,


It is my great pleasure to see so many people joining us in celebrating the Chinese New Year. On behalf of the Chinese Embassy in the UK, I wish all of you a very happy and prosperous new year.


The Chinese New Year is a time for family reunions and national celebration. And it is when all Chinese people express their wish for a prosperous year, both for their families and their motherland.


Today, the Chinese New Year is celebrated not only by the Chinese people, but also by the people in every part of the world. From China and across Asia, to Europe and America, wherever you go, you can feel the joy of celebrating. Here in London, as in Edinburgh, Manchester, Liverpool, and many other cities, people are decorating their homes and streets with colourful lanterns and celebrating with dragon and lion dances.


This is the 10th year that we have been celebrating the Chinese New Year here in Trafalgar Square. It has become the largest event of celebrating the Chinese New Year outside Asia. We feel it important to share our happiness with the UK, a country we in China have so much in common with. We both have time-honoured histories, splendid cultures and hard-working people. We are both proud of the contributions we have made to human civilization, and are both playing important role in international arena for world peace, stability and prosperity. History tells us: mutual trust comes from mutual understanding, and cooperation leads to a win-win in our development. Let us join hands to build a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity.


The New year is only a few days away. I wish China and Britain continued prosperity. I wish our two peoples greater happiness. And I wish our two countries an even closer friendship.

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