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[篇章] 中国致力于全球合作抗疫

发表于 2020-5-14 09:50:19 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式



In 1666, as bubonic plague swept Europe, residents of the tiny village of Eyam in England's East Midlands elected to quarantine themselves in hopes of protecting neighboring communities. When the lockdown was lifted in November 1667, 260 of the approximately 800 residents had died, but the self-isolation worked. The illness was contained.


In early 2020, caught in the Covid-19 outbreak, Wuhan, a transport hub of 11 million people in China's Hubei province, locked itself down for 76 days. Making tremendous sacrifice against all the odds, it created a strong first line of defense for China and the world.


Covid-19 has thrust the world into uncharted territory. Among the countries hit by its first wave, China took a "closed-book exam," with uplifting results that have informed other countries' decision-making in the "open-book tests" that followed.


While China never intends to export its system or model, its efficiency, spirit and sense of responsibility in the lifesaving battle against Covid-19 should be obvious.


But some have started rumors that the coronavirus was produced synthetically in China. Social media amplifies these falsehoods. Some American politicians touted evidence-none of which has been produced-that the novel virus originated in a Wuhan laboratory. But even the Trump administration's own scientists, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, have dismissed such theories.


Identifying the virus's origin is a serious scientific issue. It is up to scientists to research and draw evidence-based conclusions. Politicians shouldn't meddle in the process, much less stigmatize others.


Fighting Covid-19 should be everyone's first concern. The enemy is the virus. Scapegoating China will neither make up for the time that has been lost, nor save the lives that are at risk.


We are teammates in this battle, not rivals. Countries need not compete with or envy each other, still less point the finger at or turn against one another.


In fact, quite the opposite is necessary. We need to show sportsmanship and team spirit, give teammates who perform well a pat on the back, and lend a helping hand to those in need. After all, this is a fight nobody can afford to lose, one we must win together.

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