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[时政] 2018-04-16 威廉王子在英联邦欢迎招待会上的演讲

发表于 2018-4-24 22:52:26 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
A speech delivered by The Duke of Cambridge at the Commonwealth Welcome Reception
Queen Elizabeth II Centre
16 April 2018






Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen.


It is a huge pleasure to be here at the QE2 Centre at the start of this historic Commonwealth week in London and Windsor.


It is very easy at the start of a week like this, when so many Heads of Government are gathering, to believe that the summit and its communiqués and statements are all that the Commonwealth is about.


The Commonwealth, I am pleased to say, is a lot more than that.


First of all, let me pay tribute to our Australian friends, who have just put on the most fantastic festival of sport with the Commonwealth Games on the Gold Coast.  And well done for topping the medals table – obviously everyone in the United Kingdom is just thrilled for you.

首先,让我向我们的澳大利亚朋友表示敬意,他们刚刚在黄金海岸举办了最棒的英联邦运动会,并且在奖牌榜上名列前茅 - 很明显,所有英国人都为你们感到高兴。

But the Commonwealth is a lot more than even politics and sports.  When the question is asked, as it sometimes is: what makes the Commonwealth unique?  I answer with great confidence that it is you who make the Commonwealth unique.


The Commonwealth has rightly been described as "the mother of all networks".  There is no other organisation on earth that marries politics with the civil society and the networks that the Forums represent.


And you are just the tip of the iceberg: there is a huge number of organisations representing every profession and walk of life who network across the Commonwealth – scientists, archivists, activists, medics, museums, universities, commerce – I could go on.   These bodies, and your work in these Forums, bring a world that needs more communication, not less, together.  What this gathering represents is a connection based on empathy, compassion and a shared desire to make our world a better place.

而这还只是冰山一角:联邦里有大量代表各行各业的组织 -- 科学家,档案管理员,活动家,医务人员,博物馆,大学,商业 -- 我可以说出很多。这些机构以及你们在这些论坛上的工作,意味着这是一个需要更多沟通而不是相反的世界。这次会议所代表的正是这样一种关系,基于同情和同理心,以及创造更加美好世界的共同愿望。

There is no other network on earth that even comes close to this – we must make the most of it, cherish it, and protect it for the generations to come, who will build on it.

世界上没有任何其他组织可以接近这一点 -- 我们必须充分利用它,珍惜它,保护它,传给世世代代。

And let's start this week – you represent millions of diverse voices, so use your combined intellect and creativity to challenge the status quo and to push the boundaries of what the Commonwealth is capable of.


I hope tonight's event speaks to this sense of togetherness and creativity, an approach to the world which is open and recognises shared experience. You will see around you many of the inventions and products which represent the very best of British ingenuity.


Tonight the organisers, representing Britain, have tried to focus on those ideas forged through partnerships across the Commonwealth – illustrating exactly this point.


My purpose here on stage tonight is to welcome you to the United Kingdom, and I am delighted to do so.  If I may, though my duty is to formally welcome you on behalf of the whole country, I wanted to extend a personal note of welcome too.   During the course of this week, across all the different events, you will be seeing a lot of the Royal Family.


For us in the Royal Family, supporting The Queen who has dedicated her life loyally and without fail to the Commonwealth is an enormous honour.


We hope, above all, that you prosper from your time together this week and that your sense of family deepens.   It is a great pleasure for me and for all of the family to share your week with you.


So, welcome.  We have five extraordinary days before us, with over five thousand people here in London from every corner of our Commonwealth family.


Have a good evening; and a very good week.




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