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技能训练 今日: 0|主题: 511|排名: 4 

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[篇章] KFC in China 肯德基“中国化”  ...234 Helen 2019-10-25 3027327 王子之 2020-9-29 17:27
[篇章] Flu Season and COVID-19 流感季遇上新冠肺炎  ...23 Interpreter 2020-10-29 2227071 mazheng 2022-4-9 22:32
[片段] 2020-07-28 亚投行2020年会开幕式致辞节选  ...23 Helen 2020-8-6 2526901 1120391389 2021-10-18 19:45
[篇章] Climate Change Crisis 气候变化危机  ...234 Interpreter 2021-2-9 3026708 Nancyzhujia 2022-11-21 14:08
[视听] 今日中国军队2019  ...234 David 2019-7-27 3226670 paopao2182 2021-7-8 17:06
[篇章] Blue Monday 蓝色星期一  ...234 Helen 2021-3-12 3926610 xing7814 4 天前
[篇章] Xiaokang Society 小康社会  ...23 Helen 2020-9-3 2226604 Bingwang2 2021-10-17 21:23
[篇章] Making Flying Better for the Environment 让飞行更环保  ...234 Helen 2020-4-17 3026408 六爷 2020-7-22 22:27
[篇章] Cities change the climate  ...23 Helen 2017-5-31 2426384 wilsonwongk 2020-8-12 13:22
[篇章] Best Actress Zhou Dongyu “三金影后”周冬雨  ...23 Helen 2020-12-3 2326237 sybilzeng 2021-7-26 11:35
[篇章] 古代神话与现代文化结合  ...234 Helen 2019-9-6 3126219 95zhizun 2024-5-8 10:02
[片段] Why China Overtakes the U.S. 中国为什么会超越美国?  ...23 Interpreter 2020-9-8 2526177 xielujie 2021-3-24 16:08
[篇章] Are You a “Buddhist” Person “佛系”话你知  ...234 Interpreter 2019-7-11 3225974 olivia24rm 2020-12-7 17:07
[口音] 英国口音:演绎17种英国不同地区口音  ...23 Helen 2018-4-8 2425963 江西小豆子 2023-8-10 11:12
[篇章] Mid-Autumn Festival  ...23 Helen 2017-5-31 2025693 Lei 2021-9-20 10:04
[片段] 一名武汉抗疫医护人员的自述  ...23 Helen 2020-3-11 2625543 Jely 2022-9-19 18:36
[视听] 中国不会接受不平等协议  ...234 Helen 2019-5-25 3125509 18395069436 2023-11-7 10:50
[片段] 新冠疫情后的新世界 New World After the Pandemic  ...23 Interpreter 2020-6-29 2025458 1020131529 2021-4-7 13:08
[篇章] 短视频与直播火爆网络  ...234 Helen 2019-9-6 3025292 xing7814 2021-10-25 21:29
[篇章] Qingming 清明节  ...23 Interpreter 2021-4-8 2925176 Lance 2024-5-6 11:40
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