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[视听] Healthy Diet, Healthier World 创造更加健康的世界  ...2 Interpreter 2020-7-16 1412861 xing7814 2024-3-31 08:26
[视听] 从袁隆平到屠呦呦:科技进步实现健康中国梦 heatlevel  ...23456..10 Interpreter 2019-9-24 9772460 Zhangke 2024-3-19 21:17
[视听] WHO - Guardian of Health 世界卫生组织——健康守护者  ...23 Interpreter 2021-2-9 2014936 江西小豆子 2024-3-17 14:48
[视听] Bilibili 纳斯达克上市英文宣传视频 heatlevel  ...23456..8 Helen 2018-3-29 7959261 wangl 2024-2-17 17:21
[视听] Biden’s Five New Economic Actions 拜登的五项新经济行动  ...23 Interpreter 2021-2-9 2419022 19953179165 2023-12-17 21:52
[视听] Xinjiang is a wonderful land 新疆是个好地方 heatlevel  ...23456 Interpreter 2021-4-8 5541318 19953179165 2023-12-17 21:41
[视听] Digital RMB 一文读懂数字人民币  ...23 Interpreter 2021-2-9 2818902 星星牌榴莲糖 2023-12-6 20:32
[视听] China's Dual Circulation Economy 什么是“双循环经济”? heatlevel  ...23456 Interpreter 2020-10-29 5150973 彭晓曼 2023-11-11 15:51
[视听] 中国不会接受不平等协议  ...234 Helen 2019-5-25 3124520 18395069436 2023-11-7 10:50
[视听] 中国建筑中英文形象宣传片  ...2345 Interpreter 2019-8-25 4332657 18395069436 2023-11-7 10:48
[视听] China's Most Mysterious Internet Celebrity 寻找李子柒 heatlevel  ...23456..7 Helen 2019-12-12 6853516 18395069436 2023-11-7 10:47
[视听] Will vaccines end the pandemic? 疫苗会终结疫情吗?  ...234 Interpreter 2021-2-9 3831527 hanml 2023-4-4 19:36
[视听] 安全座椅必不可少 Child Safety Restraints  ...23 Helen 2020-12-3 2926552 jizhizhi 2023-4-2 23:53
[视听] I am Wuhan 我的名字叫武汉  ...2345 Interpreter 2020-3-13 4232108 crabts 2023-2-13 14:15
[视听] COVID-19 and AIDS 新冠疫情与艾滋病  ...2345 Helen 2020-12-3 4942561 武宇轩 2022-11-28 20:25
[视听] [视译] 中国国家形象宣传片:中国一分钟 heatlevel  ...23456..7 Helen 2018-3-6 6153060 Nancyzhujia 2022-11-16 20:47
[视听] Who You Are: A Message To All Women 你是谁:献给所有女人的演讲  ...2 Helen 2020-8-17 1311183 默啊默 2022-10-4 11:38
[视听] 中国航天向宇宙深空进发  ...2345 Interpreter 2020-4-28 4541114 Alex 2022-9-23 22:32
[视听] 粤港澳大湾区 Guangdong-Hongkong-Macao Greater Bay Area  ...234 David 2019-8-26 3526636 xing7814 2022-9-19 23:09
[视听] Nature Is Speaking: Soil 大自然在说话:土地  ...2 Interpreter 2020-2-10 1912825 江西小豆子 2022-9-8 17:54
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